Opening Hours:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:30 AM -5:00 PM
​SATURDAY: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
182 C, Ryan Ln, Little Canada, MN 55117

About Us
Salguero Auto Repair has been open for 10 years helping people fix their cars. with very reasonable prices, this is a family owned bussines that understands the needs of very good and reliable mechanics. where you can bring your car to fix and chat with the owner drink coffee while car is being fixed . its not just about money its about a good connection and friendship with my clients.
we buy junk cars
Our Services
​- Complete Computer Diagnostics
- Complete Safety Analysis
- Drivability Problems
- Tune - ups
- Oil Changes
- Tires
- Brake repair specialist
- Mufflers and exhaust systems
- Steering and Suspensions
- Alignments